
“The treasure trove is revealed” competition 2023 results

With the support of the Ministry of Agriculture, the Vas County Government organized a competition entitled “The treasure trove is revealed” on January 24, 2023, at the Kámoni Arboretum Visitor Center, focusing on the values of the county. The results of the competition are as follows:

Elementary School

Győrvári Béri Balogh Ádám Elementary School – Schmolczer Barnabás, Schmolczer Balázs, Schmolczer Gergő, Barbalics Léna; Teacher: János Zrinszki
Boldog Brenner János Elementary School and High School
Apponyi Albert Elementary School
ELTE Bolyai János Practicing Elementary School and High School
Sorkifaludi Gárdonyi Géza Elementary School
Reményik Sándor Evangelical Elementary School

High School

Szombathelyi Kanizsai Dorottya High School – Páli Cintia Anna, Kropf Külön, Fürstinger Anna Lenke, Péter Bódog Imre; Teacher: Balázs Fullár
Boldog Brenner János College
Herman Ottó Environmental and Agricultural Technical School
Vas County Rázsó Imre Technical School
Sárvári Tourism Technical School
Dr. Nagy László EGYMI Vocational School